EZ Staffing:
Dashboard & KPI

Role: Lead UX/UI Designer
Responsibilities: User research, wireframing, prototyping, UI design, usability testing, and information architecture.

Project overview

— The Challenges

Designing the EZ Staffing Dashboard presents several challenges, including integrating data from disparate sources, ensuring data accuracy and consistency, creating effective and intuitive data visualizations, managing user roles and permissions, optimizing performance and scalability, accommodating mobile responsiveness, conducting usability testing, integrating with existing workflows, addressing security and privacy concerns, and providing training and onboarding for users.

— The Goal

The goal of the EZ Staffing Dashboard project is to provide a centralized and user-friendly platform that allows organizations to effectively monitor and manage their staffing-related expenses. By consolidating data from various sources, the dashboard aims to provide comprehensive insights into year-to-date staffing spend, overtime for temporary workers, plan versus budget comparisons, and cost savings achieved through timesheet management. Ultimately, the goal is to empower decision-makers with actionable information and facilitate efficient staffing cost management within the organization.

— Target Audience

The target audiences for the EZ Staffing Dashboard project include managers, HR personnel, finance teams, executives, and decision-makers within the organization. Additionally, users with various roles such as team leads or department heads may also benefit from the dashboard's insights.

Design Process

1. User Research: User needs and business goals.

2. Ideation and sketch: Brainstorm and sketch out various design concepts.

3. Wireframe: Interface layout and functionality.

4. Prototype: Simulate user interactions and demonstrate the user experience.

5. Iterate: Make necessary refinements and adjustments to meet user expectations.

6. Final design: Color schemes, typography, and imagery while ensuring consistency and accessibility.

User Research Summary

Through user research, involving managers, HR personnel, finance teams, and executives, key findings emerged. Users expressed the need for a centralized dashboard with accurate and up-to-date data from various sources. They emphasized the importance of key metrics, visualizations, and summarized information for informed decision-making. Mobile accessibility, integration with existing workflows, usability, and data security were also identified as crucial user requirements. These insights guided the design of the EZ Staffing Dashboard to meet user needs effectively.


— User Story
As a staffing manager, I want to monitor expenses and track overtime spent so I can make a budget on work plans for my department accurately.

— User Story
As an HR, I want to review the summary of timesheets on Mobile so that I can track staffing expenses and analyze cost-saving opportunities.

Ideation to Final Design

Sketched out the ideas

Sketched out ideas

Low Fidi-Wireframe

High Fidi-Wireframe


Final Design for Desktop

Responsive for Mobile & iPad


Design System

